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Oogi, T., Enoki, M., Ishiyama, T., Kobayashi, M.A.R., Makiya, R., Nagashima, M.
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Oogi, T., Habe, A., Ishiyama, T.,
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Hasegawa, K., Ishiyama, T., et al.
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N. Ikeya, Y. Matsumoto,
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Y. Matsumoto, T. Amano, T. Katoh, M. Hoshino;
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T. Suzuki, Y. Fukui, K. Torii, M. Machida, R. Matsumoto
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T. Muto, T. Tsukagoshi, M. Momose, T. Hanawa, H. Nomura, M. Fukagawa, K. Saigo, A. Kataoka, Y. Kitamura, S. Takahashi, Z. Sanemichi S. Inutsuka, T. Takeuchi, H. Kobayashi, E. Akiyama, M. Honda, H. Fujiwara, H. Shibai,
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A. Kataoka, T. Muto, M. Momose, T. Tsukagoshi, M. Fukagawa, H. Shibai, T. Hanawa, K. Murakawa, C.P. Dullemond,
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T. Hanawa, K. Tomisaka,
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T. Hanawa,
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S. Matsukiyo, Y. Matsumoto,
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T. Minoshima, Y. Matsumoto, T. Amano,
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H. Hotta, M. Rempel, T. Yokoyama;
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H. Hotta, M. Rempel, T. Yokoyama;
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Ishiyama, T., Enoki, M., Kobayashi, M.A.R., Makiya, R., Nagashima, M., Oogi, T.
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Shirakata, H., Okamoto, T., Enoki, M., Nagashima, M., Kobayashi, M.A.R., Ishiyama, T., Makiya, R.
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Inoue, K.T., Takahashi, R., Takahashi, T., Ishiyama, T.,
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