
I spent the last two years in the IceCube/ARA group at Chiba University. I arrived as a French student, freshly graduated from Paris University, landing in Japan for the rst time. Here are my tentative words to expose my work experience there, but of course these words will What's New このたび、本センターは「千葉大学戦略的重点研究強化プログラム」の一つに採択されました。 大学として重点的に研究活動を支援する6大研究分野の一つとして、アイスキューブ実験等による高エネルギーニュートリノ天文学とスーパーコンピュータによる宇宙プラズマ研究を推進していくことになります。今後ともよろしくお願いたします。・IceCube Collaboration: A.Ishihara, K.Mase, S.Yoshida et al.; A Combined Maximum-Likelihood Analysis of the High-Energy Astrophysical Neutrino Flux Measured with IceCube, Astrophysical Journal, 809, 98(2015)・IceCube Collaboration: A.Ishihara, K.Mase, S.Yoshida et al.; Evidence for Astrophysical Muon Neutrinos from the Northern Sky with IceCube, Physical Review Letters, 115, 081102 (2015)・IceCube Collaboration: A.Ishihara, K.Mase, S.Yoshida et al.; Flavor Ratio of Astrophysical Neutrinos above 35 TeV in IceCube, Physical Review Letters, 114, 171102 (2015)・ARA Collaboration: A.Ishihara, K.Mase, S.Yoshida et al.; First Constraints on the Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Flux from a Prototype Station of the Askaryan Radio Array, Astropart.Phys., 70, 62-80 (2015) ・Y. Matsumoto, T. Amano, T. Katoh, M. Hoshino; Stochastic electron acceleration during spontaneous turbulent reconnection in a strong shock wave, Science, 347, DOI: 10.1126/science.1260168, (2015) 3号をむかえるにあたって、新たな紙面にリニューアルしました。これまでより一層充実した内容で、皆様に親しまれるニュースレターにしていきたいと思います。be also tinted with my life experience.First of all, working in Japan is an incredibly interesting experience I would advise anyone to live. I discovered a lot about another culture and consequently a lot about myself and my own culture. More speci cally, the high energy neutrino study is a bridge connecting two strong elds in Japan: the high energy cosmic ray and the neutrino activities. However, the group in Chiba is the only one in Japan working on this topic on the experimental side but has managed to be more than reckoned in the Japanese astroparticle community.Similarly, this group is known in the international collaborations it belongs to, even if it can be a little lonely in Japan. Thus, working in this group required a strong involvement. As a postdoctorate, this commitment was made natural on one side by leadership of the seniors and the impressive dedication of the students and on the other side by the cutting edge research conducted. More importantly, the very close relationship maintained inside the group, thanks to dinners and飲み会 so speci c to Japanese culture, helped in the most dif cult moments.In conclusion, even if sometimes communication can be dif cult due to language or cultural subtleties, problems are resolved and work is achieved thanks to the irreplaceable patience and kindness speci c to Japanese people. I would like to thanks the people I met at Chiba University who have always welcome me, and of course the group where I tied truthful friendship, that will hopefully continue through research and beyond. I will miss Japan.ICEHAPよりお知らせ2015年の主な論文Message from RomainICEHAPニュースがリニューアルしました先日フランスへ帰国したRomain研究員が2年間の日本での思い出を語ってくれました本センターから昨年に出版された主要な論文です研究員の仲間と (右:Romain研究員)Romain Gaior

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